Natasha Hughes
Favourite movement to Coach: Anything upside down
Best CrossFit moment: competing at Berlin Regionals
Fun Fact: I used to be tongue tied
Instagram Handle: natasha_bin_hughes_pt
A friend recommended CrossFit to me in 2014 and I became instantly addicted. Studying and playing Lacrosse at Loughborough University meant I was used to playing competitive sport at a high level and CrossFit filled a missing gap.
I opened CrossFit Luton in 2018 hoping to share my passion for helping people get fit, happy and healthy whilst learning new skills and pushing their bodies past where they thought they were capable.
I’ve competed at both a Regional and Sanctional level but have taken a step back in favour of coaching.
I specialise in coaching Olympic Lifting and Gymnastics, I am fully booked at the moment but please contact me if you’d like to be added to the waitlist.

CrossFit Coach
Patrycia Horodyńska
Age: 30
Favourite crossfit movement to coach: Deadlift
Best Crossfit moment: start to walking on my hands
Instagram: pati889
I have been doing Crossfit since 2014 and every single day try to be the best version of myself. In 2015 and 2016 I was The Fittest Woman in Poland. Previously I was a professional athlete, training in flat-water kayaks from almost 13 years. I was in the Polish National Team for 8 years and I have medals at Junior World and European Championships. In 2016 I started coaching Crossfit in Poland. I have Professional fitness and bodybuilding instructor at international level 3.
I care about the physical health of my clients and and make them better every day!

CrossFit Coach
Renee Kunde
Favourite CrossFit movement to coach: Weightlifting (snatch and clean and jerk)
Best CrossFit Moment: Strength in Depth Origins and London
Fun Fact: I moved from the Sunshine Coast, Australia to England 3 years ago
Instagram Handle: renee_kunde88
I have been doing CrossFit for almost 10 years and I love everything it has bought to my life. I love that CrossFit translates across age, place and ability. I am a high school teacher during the day and enjoy all the challenges and rewards that brings. I have been coaching CrossFit both here and in Australia for 5 years. I find coaching hugely rewarding and a constant reminder that nothing comes without hard work. I love to celebrate with you all when you achieve something new in the gym or in your life. CrossFit Luton is not just a place to work out, Tash has built an amazing community that is more like a second family. No matter your experience level, everyone is on a journey in that place and we all understand each others challenges. That is what makes CrossFit so unique, people in the Box thrive on and enjoy the challenges faced every day- that is why we keep showing up. My favourite quote is from Coach Glassman (founder of CrossFit) “we fail at the margins of our experience”. I think this sums up CrossFit, and CrossFit is a great metaphor for life. Nobody knows everything when they walk into a gym, but the point is they started, and already their margins are greater than before. See you on the dance floor.

CrossFit Coach
George-Catalin Ivanescu
Favourite Crossfit movement to coach: Deadlift
Favourite Crossfit WOD: DT
Instagram: @ivanescu_geo
I started Crossfit 8 years ago in South Wales and last year got my level 1 Crossfit Trainer. Currently studying Strength and Conditioning at the University of Bedfordshire. I love to practice and coach the Olympic lifts. I have a passion for bettering people’s life through fitness and long term goal is to make an impact on children’s and/or elderly’s vision on sport and fitness.

CrossFit Coach
Harry Ryan
Favourite movement to coach: The Olympic Lifts
Best Personal Fitness Moment: My First Bar Muscle Up
Fun fact: I once attended a CF class in New York, and Kari Pearce coached the class!!
Instagram handle: harryryan___pt
I started CrossFit in 2018 for something different than the regular commercial gym ‘Bro Split’.
The minute I tried my first class I was hooked. The community, the coaching, the variety, the skills, so many movements to learn, so many challenges to overcome, it was so rewarding and so much fun. Getting fitter and healthy was just an added bonus, along side all the other factors. Everything you can experience in a CrossFit gym you can translate into your everyday life, both physically and mentally.
I became a coach to help others experience the things I did when I started, and the reward of seeing others accomplish that is awesome!
I love to take part in local competitions and challenge myself to continue to improve, and try new things I can then transfer to others.
I’m a sports coach by day, as well as a qualified personal trainer. So helping others achieve their goals and learn new skills is something that I’ve always tried to do!! 🤙

CrossFit Coach
Kerri Stinton
Favourite movement to coach: Snatch
Best personal CrossFit moment: First handstand push up
Fun fact: I taught Taron Egerton how to ski for his role as Eddie the Eagle in the recent movie
Instagram handle: kerristinton
I first heard of CrossFit after randomly finding the documentary ‘Fittest in Earth’ on Netflix. At that point I had been going to the gym for a few years, but really just sitting on what ever machine was free doing whatever I saw someone do on YouTube. Always thinking I’d be happy once I lose the next few lbs, then the next few lbs – stuck in that cycle and never actually getting the happiness you think comes from getting to a certain weight.
Watching that documentary I saw people celebrating what their bodies could do – not how their bodies looked – all while being stronger, fitter and having more fun with it. I immediately signed up for a trial session and I haven’t looked back since!
I love what CrossFit (and CrossFit Luton particularly) has given me. I’m now doing things in workouts I never thought would be possible for me, and the gym has the most amazing community where the motivation, encouragement and cheers you get are unlike any other ‘normal’ gym you will go to.

CrossFit Coach
Ladislav Madarasz
Age: 31
Favourite CrossFit movement to coach: C&J
Best CrossFit Moment: Participation in the open with all the members
Fun Fact: No fun fact
Instagram Handle: laci_lifts